Rainy Sunday

Aug 13, 2006 16:24

Funny thing about Iowa weather. It can be sunny one day...99 degrees...and then a week or so later it can be upper 70's/low 80's and raining to no end. I suppose that can happen other places too...but I'm here and it's happening so I put two and two together.

I have a few more hours to kill until I have to go back to work so I thought I would drop an entry. Not too much to write about really. Things are pretty slow. I had the chance to sleep in this morning (rather than get up at 5:15 am or so, like I have been lately and will have to do again tomorrow), which was nice, but it sure didn't feel like I got to sleep in. I'm still tired and I got plenty of sleep...but then I have been working hard today. Sometimes work can be aggrevating. There's news, huh? LOL. Of course that's no surprise to anyone that's ever had a job in their life. Any heirs/heiresses out there? Didn't think so.

No, but really, work can be aggrevating. Especially today. Let me just say, there are times, more often than not...that a job requires a process; and any deviation from that process can result in more work than is necessary to actually DO the job. Such is a statement that gets ignored by some where I work. If you follow the simple and easy way...work is nice. But some people don't get that. WHY? I don't know. So, I spent most of today fixing the problems that occurred by some people not following the process. It's not that hard...just DO IT! :p Nike's been saying it for years. Chances are it's printed on their shoes...read the shoes!!! LOL. Sorry, rather random, but fitting. Ack...work. Two hours to, wait, no...an hour and a half until I have to go back. Even better...:p Don't get me wrong, the job's okay...I just sometimes get aggrevated by people sometimes, you know? Anyway...

Still planning our trip to the Mall of America. It's going well I guess. We haven't done much in the way of planning really. We know when we wanna go...sorta. The car is full though at this point. Five of us going including myself. I'm the driver (yay). Eventually the planning will fall together though. Funny story for your enjoyment. Last night I was hard core about bringing the map into the house to highlight the best path to get there. Had to do it, it was (in my mind) a must. Now, I know and have heard from many people and the interstate goes right up that way...so I should take that, and probably will. But I thought *JUST* in case something should go wrong and we get turned around...I'll mark our path. And it wasn't until I got into the apartment and got the highlighter in my hand that I realized that ours is an Iowa map...and it didn't do much good to highlight as it doesn't go up that far into MN. Testimony that a lack of sleep can be detrimental to your highlighting/thinking abilities. Yeah...

I found out the story on our broken window. For those that hadn't heard we had a window broken out of our apartment from a storm that happened a few weeks ago. We took the window and put it in the kitchen so that when the landlord (or whoever came to fix it...) came they could take it or see it should they need to. Basically I didn't want to hear "where's the broken window at, I need it (or need to see it" and not have it. SO...it sat in our kitchen for a week+ while we waited for it to get fixed. Well one day it just disappeared but there was no window to replace it. I should add in here that we are able to shut the inside window and so it's not that big of a rush deal, but still something we want fixed. So we saw the landlord last night and asked him about it and apparently it's "in the shop"...whatever that means. Perhaps it's getting it's fluids changed and it's tires rotated? I dunno. So that's what I know about that.

Hmm...looks like the rain has stopped. I wonder how long that will last, lol. I guess this was supposed to be a pretty strong storm from what I heard. Ah well...I get to be at work so it's not really a concern to me. :p

What else...hm. Ah yes. That sales job I was writing about in my last entry. Apparently it fell through. I say apparently because I was told I would know by Wednesday of this past week and I haven't heard anything yet. Chances are pretty good that I didn't get it I would say. But to be totally honest? I didn't really want it. I really don't think sales is my area...just because I don't think it is. No other reason than that. Never know, I mighta been good at it...but I just despise the idea of a sales job of this sort. Some jobs relating to selling are probably okay...but eh. Who knows if the job would have been any good or not...but for what it was going to pay and then to not know what it would pay down the road...it was probably more of a gamble than it was worth. Plus, a nod to Sage for the warning about sales jobs, thanks! :D I appreciate it. :) I wasn't sure that I wanted the job and it's nice to hear someone else's take on it to get an idea of whether or not what I'm thinking is good or just my imagination. :p So thanks! Plus, I have to call soon...you know how it is. :) But, yeah, the job probably is no more...so I'm actually pretty relieved. No more indecision of whether or not I want it.

Well, not much else to write about at the moment so I'll give it an ending here. :D Anyway, later all.
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