midterms are over!

Nov 02, 2006 10:59

things have been so rough lately, i havent even seen frog :) anyways, inductions went perfect, We had more than 100 members become inducted and there was roughly about close to 300 people there. We collected over 450 cans and it was a success! I am so excited to be a part of something so big. NOW, today is splash and it looks like it going to rain and i hope it doesnt but we shall see.

Last night we went to chilis and it was superfun, but on the way back the birds had a shit party on the car so we had to go wipe it off. We ended up in a car wash and we couldnt stop laughing :D

I also have been doing good in school, in our thailand presentation we were the only group to get the full points and in my history paper i recieved a B which i am so happy for considering he is a beast at grading. I took a midterm yesterday which didnt go so well. Actually i feel i did good but i thought the test was going to be so much easier. He made it seem like a piece of cake and i thought it was a lot of work. But either way i did my best. we shall see.

Now that im done with test i have to start writting my papers which is going to be so painful. This weekend i am hoping to get A LOT done but we shall see. :( i am also doing habitat for humanities. its my first time but im excited because ive always wanted to be a part of that :)
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