my life as of now :o)

Oct 24, 2006 08:56

Today marks the first day of cold weather in miami for this year. I am so happy you have no idea. i love this weather!!

Well this semester is freakin crazy. I am in school everyday, all day :) I like my classes. I am not fond of esol, but i love dr cramer. shes so awesome and i think this is something i want to do for the rest of my life. I also love my field school, Mrs. Lopez makes me going useful :)

I was working at the begining of the school year but i had to quit because of school, or else id have no time for studying. Ive been crazy involved and i think i just did too much at once. (ie) i started working, i had two leadership positions in honor societies, and i was doing full time.

Sfea, and nscs are wonderful. I love the people i have met through them the days we have spent arguing over what type of food to get for an event and being showered with love ahah from indra. I spent some of the summer in kentucky with the girls preparing for this year and next year its philly and i cant wait. I also think i am running for president next year because i know i cant do it. I just dont want it to get to my head and put off school.

This past weekend, i went to horror nights and it was the best stress reliever of life. I screamed so much, even if i saw those bitches coming at me i would still scream. It was so hot up there but it was well worth it. we had the time of our lives.

I have been going shopping like crazy. i think that when i become a teacher my salary will go into shopping. I noticed that all the money i made is just for shopping. In the past month i have spent like 250 dollars on clothes from so many places. I even went with sabrina to freakin shop for her cousin and ended up spending so much at macys and american eagle. we had so much fun in the dressing rooms, we packed it up with clothes.

I have a midterm today that im not stressing about but i should. i hate american history but i love this professor. I feel i am so prepared but that i should be studying way more. I hope i do good because i hate this feeling. When i tried studying for this test i realized i knew everything by memory and that never happens with a test. all i had to do was remember the exact days of the events but as far as knowing who what when and where, i remember and thats crazy! hopefully i can get an A

I am also really hoping i can spend some of christmas in new york. I love that city and i hope i can, plus i really want to see picky and be with my freaking tripod. Sabrina said the other day she forgets me and brian were a couple. and i said to her is it because youre part of our relationship. and she said yes. and its so funny because we are inseperable with the things we do and we are always together. I love her sooo much you have no idea. I can not wait for the future, i know that her and brian are someone i will always, and i mean ALWAYS have in my life and if i didnt id die. I know that i dont need 50 best friends but i know i need two and one who is the most amazing boyfriend :o)

Now i am looking forward to the end of the semester, a good midterm today, a good trip this winter break and enjoying life with the best people in the world. <3
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