Are you confused about the difference between PubSubHubbub and rssCloud? You're not alone.
Here's how the confusion came about:
Dave Winer invented rssCloud way back in the day. It only distributed lite pings, the callback endpoint was the IP address that you subscribed from, and nobody really ever implemented it, so you
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An rssCloud <-> PSHB proxy would be trivial. I'm just happy we're making data realtime. The only sad part is that developers might be confused for awhile.
Dave Winer has none of those qualities.
I don’t see how Brad ignoring Winer, as Kragen suggests, can possibly impede anyone from shipping anything. If it can do anything, it is to speed things up, and prevent pain further down the road. (I hope Brad and Brett haven’t lost that much time already.) So Kragen’s advice is perfectly compatible with your cause.
Is a track record fact or insult?
I don’t hate Winer… I don’t even know him. I’ve just seen too much of his spectacle already - thus: don’t worry; and, I’d rather people studiously ignore him.
You've been around long enough to know that although Dave's heart is apparently in the right place, his mental health issues create a high risk of things falling apart when he touches them. In this case, Dave is That Guy: he wrote a spec ten years ago and implemented some prototypes, and now that other people are doing the work of making something similar into reality, he wants to be involved and get credit. This is a bad idea. Dave Winer is not an asset. He is a liability. Every hour you spend interacting with him is an hour you're going to regret for the rest of your life when he viciously turns on you ( ... )
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