I don't want this to turn into an "Autotools sucks!" thread. I just want help....
- I want "make test" to run against a binary that has assert() enabled (AM_CFLAGS not containing "-DNDEBUG").
- I want users to have a choice to run a binary with asserts on or off. CPU vs. paranoia trade-off. Whether this is building two binaries and installing them both on the system, or letting them choose with --without-asserts or --with-asserts, I don't care.
What's the best way to do this?
Are there best practices regarding similar things? (testing with asserts on, regardless of their ultimate choice)
Here's my current Makefile.am:
bin_PROGRAMS = memcached
memcached_SOURCES = memcached.c slabs.c items.c memcached.h assoc.c
memcached_LDADD = @LIBOBJS@
DIST_DIRS = scripts
EXTRA_DIST = doc scripts TODO t
test: memcached
prove t
# Uncomment the following to save some CPU (by disabling assertions)
rm -rf $(distdir)/doc/.svn/
rm -rf $(distdir)/scripts/.svn/
rm -rf $(distdir)/t/.svn/
rm -rf $(distdir)/t/lib/.svn/