My quick hack of the evening is treearrange, which rearranges a directory tree based on a description of a directory tree, which the tool also generates
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You know the file names are unique, so you don't need to hash: I do this kind of thing on the fly with a keyboard macro that generates "mv" commands...
I would say that makes it less flexible, as well as somewhat slower.
I'd rather something that was the same "shape" as rsync (ie runs on both ends at once) that tries to move files around to make "rsync" work, based on a number of heuristics (file name, size, last modified date, first bytes, last bytes...) applied in order.
Yeah, that's what I wanted too, but I realized it was only a few minute problem if I did the minimal work first.
Later I can add an rsync-ish interface, maybe just ssh'ing to the remote host, running Perl, and piping the original script into it, so the other side doesn't even need treearrange.
I'd rather something that was the same "shape" as rsync (ie runs on both ends at once) that tries to move files around to make "rsync" work, based on a number of heuristics (file name, size, last modified date, first bytes, last bytes...) applied in order.
Later I can add an rsync-ish interface, maybe just ssh'ing to the remote host, running Perl, and piping the original script into it, so the other side doesn't even need treearrange.
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