My quick hack of the evening is treearrange, which rearranges a directory tree based on a description of a directory tree, which the tool also generates
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Oh, excellent, I've been wanting something like this for music. I wonder though if this can't be made better by knowing more about tags. The problem is syncing files several ways, when sometimes the updates are to metadata. Unfortunately the filenames can sometimes change too, so there's no key for this!
I start syncing by pulling a new file from remotehost to my localhost. Then the download is interrupted, and I resume it. What identifies the partial file on localhost?
Sure there is. The digest of the non-tag part of the file is the key. Screw audio fingerprinting.... ignoring the ID3 stuff of the mp3/ogg when digesting is eash enough. Then just fix the ID3 up on the other side, if the modtime is older.
I start syncing by pulling a new file from remotehost to my localhost. Then the download is interrupted, and I resume it. What identifies the partial file on localhost?
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