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Feb 11, 2009 13:35

It's been a while, but it seems Phorm have stuck their heads above the parapet again...

Interview with Dow Jones

They seem to think that they'll roll out on BT by the end of the year. BT seems less sure.

Interesting to note in the Dow Jones interview that they're still working on a cookie-based system - an idea that provoked the most scorn when it was first announced as if the system is still set to be opt-out then clearing your cookies would opt you back in again without you realising. My personal favourite line from the interview however, is this one: "We're a privacy enhancing technology." So you're going to intercept and examine every single piece of web traffic going to and from my PC and this enhances my privacy how exactly?

Rest of the Phorm stuff here

ETA The EU are at least still on the case with the threat of formal action

[Viviane] Reding [Eurpoean Telecoms Comissioner]'s chief spokesman Martin Selmayr said: "The European Commission's investigation with regard to the Phorm case is still ongoing."

Selmayr added that the Commission had written to the UK government for a third time at the end of January. "The Commission may have to proceed to formal action if the UK authorities do not provide a satisfactory response to the Commission's concerns on the implementation of European law in the context of the Phorm case," he said.

The CPS is also still considering allowing a private prosecution over the alleged illegal wiretaps in the BT trials although the Met Police apparently couldn't be bothered to follow it up. Maybe it was all a bit too confusing for them as their decision seems to have been solely based on a conversation with BT where BT seem to have said, "We didn't mean to do anything wrong, honest guv." I'm sure most of those drivers convicted of causing death by dangerous driving didn't mean to do anything wrong either....
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