(no subject)

Jan 20, 2007 03:05

Brittany Carlisle (Fresno, CA)
Oh that was VERY good! Ok I personally am NOT for Hilary Clinton. But not because she is a democrat because I go to either party but I don't tihnk women should be in certain plces for their career and president is one of them. Women are much too emotional and are not able to perform many tasks that men can. I know, very weird since I'm a woman but that is the way I tihnk. And I love the way you contrasted what most people comapre! GREAT!

Thomas Mahler replied to Brittany's post
That makes me very sad. A person should be judged on their merits, not on how they were born.

You sound like the kind of woman that would let her husband slap her for not making his sandwich fast enough.

I kind of feel bad for you.

Brittany Carlisle (Fresno, CA) replied to your post
No! I would not do that because I respect myself. I believe God made it so women should respect men. I have been with my boyfriend for more than 3 years and we are equals in the relationship. However some things women are meant to do and some things men are. Women are far too emotional for a series of things. In a marriage I believe that the man should be more controlling and make the final decision. I was raised with my mom being the controlling one and don't tihnk that it's the way God intended it to be. DON'T go and judge me, you don't know me, you have no right saying that I am going to be slapped.

Thomas Mahler replied to Brittany's post
I'm sorry. You just sound very slappable.
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