Not fanfic, alas, but perhaps the next best thing ... and a red-letter day for me.
I have an essay collection out - Of Sex and Faerie: Further essays on Genre Fiction, published by Humanities-Ebooks. It's taken me three years to do, and is available as a PDF from HEB's
website and in Kindle format from There will be a deadtree print-on-demand edition from Troubadour, but that'll take a few weeks yet.
The collection includes an essay on fanfic, including Forward Momentum and the Deeper Season continuity by
lightgetsin, as well as an essay on the Vorkosiverse in general. Lois was kind enough to read these, and say nice things, as well as adding some comments and allowing me to quote them - fanfic is "like literature on speed. Crossed with the mother of all slush piles, of course". Heh. There are also essays on Bill James's Harpur & Iles series, Walter Mosley's Easy Rawlins books, paranormal romance (especially Laurell K. Hamilton's very odd and original Merry Gentry series, with mention of Patricia Briggs and the Lee & Miller Duainfey and Longeye duology), the many successors of Horatio Hornblower (including the space-naval types, from David Weber to 'Jack Campbell'), and Ursula Le Guin's Annals of the Western Shore. And a whopping bibliography (which took ages), listing lots and lots of good genre fiction and all sorts of other interesting things.
While I'm about it, I'll add that Of Sex and Faerie is a sequel of sorts, to my collection Of Modern Dragons and other essays on Genre Fiction, also available from
Humanities-Ebooks, in Kindle format from, and in deadtree print-on-demand from
Troubadour. That volume has essays on the practice of serial reading, Reginald Hill's Dalziel & Pascoe series, J. D. Robb's Eve Dallas books, the descendants of Smaug (especially in Ursula Le Guin's Earthsea sestet and Anne McCaffrey's Pern books), Octavia Butler's Xenogenesis trilogy, Ian McDonald's Chaga Saga, and Tamora Pierce's Tortallan novels.
I know essays aren't everyone's thing, but if you don't mind a little non-fic from time to time, perhaps you'd care to take a look. And if you do like it, please consider leaving a rating/review at - they can make a real difference in how high up a search-list an item is.
Enjoy! And a BIG thank-you to the many LJ-users who helped me out with the fanfic essay.