
Jan 18, 2008 05:14

Thats how long its been since I last posted on this thing.  Sheesh.  Who knew time would fly so quickly?!  Anyway, I've been wanting to get on here and throw down some thoughts that I've had as of late.  5:16am on an early Friday morning seems like the perfect time, if any, to do so...

* In regards to relationships, I've had so many conversations about these strange things with so many friends lately.  Thanks to Jessica, Dustin, Julie, Mark & all of my staff at work for your ideas and input about love and for, ultimately, jump-starting my heart and love life again.  That being said, I have yet to really see a relationship that I genuinely envy being in.  All of them have something fucked up about them and leave me thinking, "God, I'm so glad I'm single."  So as great as some of the guys I've recently gotten to know are, I'm going to hold true to my instinct and not give that freedom up quite yet.

* Life is short.  There's nothing like death to remind you of this.  As memories come back from the past and current trials come to mind, I've been feeling really small to the universe lately.  It strikes me as funny when friends and I talk about goals and dreams.  Time and time again, I've found that no matter what I do, if I don't laugh and have "ah ha!" moments on a regular basis, I'm not satisfied.  And for the first time since I graduated, I can honestly say that I absolutely LOVE life.  Sure, I've made some detrimental decisions in the past...which now I have to pay for.  But as long as I have my friends, my family, my job as it is in my life right now...I couldn't be happier.

* I want to keep myself learning and mentally stimulated.  I also can't leave the restaurant anytime soon.  So...the solution?  I'm going to get my massage therapy license while still working at the restaurant!  I've always loved doing it and its only  a 6-month program.  Why not?!  I have 5-10 years to get my JD and in between now and when I'd like to be settled down...I want to make sure I do what I want and not have regrets in the future.  Classes start next Wed!  I'll let you know how it goes!

* New Years Resolutions:
    -Open My Eyes -
                I move from place to place, moment to moment, and person to person so fast.  Speed is life, but beauty in life is forfeited if gone unseen.  My goal this year is to take life slower and to stop and smell the roses from time to time.  To not let moments and people go by without truly seeing them rather than just noticing them.

-Open My Mind -
                Part of my sense of fulfillment lies in perpetual mental stimulation and learning.  I learn quickly and constantly strive for more.  I think that I'm doing really well applying the skills I've attained to my current job & life, yet I'm yearning for more.  I'd like to pick back up on education and learning opportunities.  Enhancing and fine-tuning skills and knowledge is always good for the soul.

-Open My Heart -
                I run away from commitment like its another full time job - literally.  My goal this year is to take every opportunity that presents itself to me romantically and just give it at least 1 chance.  One opportunity to get to know what could be a potential friend, rival, or best of all, something more.  But those phases have moments that lead to them, not just a spur of the moment drunken confession.

(Bed Time...will finish tomorrow...)
(Picked back up @ 11:11am)

* I'm aging...where's the wisdom?  :)  I'm now a quarter of a century old and I feel like the older we get and the more shit we put up with in relationships (romantic or platonic), the worst or more hopeless we feel.  I'm going to have to echo what Dustin & Jessica have been saying these past couple of weeks about not REALLY wanting a relationship but missing that emotional connection with someone.   The consistent, exclusive, albeit temporary in most cases, sense of dependability and wholeness that that person makes you feel.  In college, at least you had your classes to meet people in or through friends or through student organizations.  Now that I'm done...I've got work (which has "bad idea" written all over it come to find out), the bar scene (which has "sleezy STD" written all over it), and my friends.  Thats really it.  The pool truly thins out once that phase of your life ends.  Depressing, but true.

* Wisconsin Weekend.  Starts tonight.  Its going to be so nice to get my core together for a full weekend of just relaxation and catching up.  Oh and of course good 'ol fashion townie bar drinking & Roger's kickass food!  God I can't wait....

* Awesome run of great movies lately!  Sweeney Todd, Juno, I Am Legend & Cloverfield.  Thrilling, actually.

* Alright...so I've been SO distracted while doing this update.  Which is probably why I don't do it more often.  Thats enough though for one day.  Off to Wisconsin!  Hope everyone is having a supertastic start to their weekend!

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