Basic Stuff...
date of birth: Oct 4
What does your screen name stand for:I have braces, duhhh
Shoe size: 5-ish
Righty or lefty: LEFTY
Wearing: school uni
Hearing: dad watching NOVA
Eating/drinking: white grape peach!!!!
Guys/Girls/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff...
Have you ever been in love?: who hasn't??? i'm only in love with about 500
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If so do you believe you'll ever find yours?: surely! unless i become a nun, then maybe I just don't have one...(please don't be a nun)
What song do you swear was written about you or your life?:Walrus by Unwritten Law "i could swear" theres a part about you in it
How about drool?: one time in class i fell asleep & drooled on my sweatshirt
Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling:i choked on 1 & spit it back up(a tooth)
Told a secret you swore not to tell:is there a time i haven't
Stolen anything:just this week i took one of those "magic testing pencils"
Broken the law: haha yea (jay walked or however you spell it)
Written a love poem:haha very funny i can't even write a poem 4 english class
Got perfect attendance in grade school: believe it or not i have it now(but im not completely there all of the time if you know what i mean)
Do you draw on yourself in school?: hell yea what else is there to do there besides sleep
Do you doodle all over your notebooks?:mostly my assignment pad(because i dont write assignments in it)
Are you friends with any of your teachers?: nope...well, maybe Mrs. R(meaning reames? not quite but she sure does love me "isnt he just so cute"(a quote from mrs.reames) haha dam how did that happen???)
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