Colgate cinnamon. Heat things up.

Dec 20, 2004 14:51

I just saw a sex scene used in a commercial for toothpaste.

The TV is going off.

I had a fun weekend in Reading and Philadelphia. I am very excited for the Cab Calloway reunion tomorrow, and I have big plans to create a bike-sled with Robby.

I have been watching this "Punk'd" show on which Ashton Kutcher fabricates embarassing experiences for celebrities and the audience is entertained by their reactions. I think it is funny to watch gangster rappers wimp out and celebrities try to bribe their way out of things. By gauging reactions, I have come to the conclusion that Beyonce is an ditsy airhead, and I have developed a crush on Rachel Leigh Cook.

In other news, it snowed last night for the first time in Delaware. But it soon turned into ice and rendered driving very difficult. This was not good, as I was in a car with Christine and her friend Bryant. Ignoring the awkward situation that creates on its own, I was in a car sliding on ice listening to bad emo hardcore music. An unsuccessful night.

But now I believe Hillary Duff is recieving a drivers ed lesson, courtesy of Ashton Kutcher and "Punk'd". I must go.

I forgive the toothpaste commercial.
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