take me away

Feb 10, 2007 01:10

I feel like I've slipped in and out of your loving hands
but I always someway somehow find my way back to you
I'm so far from what I could be......what I should be
and my own selfish wants put a film over my eyes
your all I need and to be honest at times....not all I want
I want the physical feel, the promise that you have for me
I want the person who I can have a relationsihp with your blessings
If this girl is her lord please show me
I want so badly to bring you into her life, bring REAL meaning to her life
bring your light in her path
I know mines not as strong as it could be
but I feel like you are the biggest things shes missing
I know I could fall face first down for this girl
I try to deny it but she's wonderfull
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