May 04, 2008 15:56
Normally, I am one not to mind pain. I can take alot of pain, physical and emotional. But everyone has a breaking point, everyone. Emotionally it takes alot for me to break, I'm one to take everything and hide it away, and yes that does come with trouble of itself, and yes I've broken from it before.
Physical pain I can normally take alot. But normally that kind of pain comes around and then goes away. This just isn't the case. Two weeks ago from tuesday I cut my hand at work while checking through some wiring with a fresh razor. I first noted the my glove cut And went "My gloves cut... I dont think I cut myself" I moved my wrist and blood went everywhere "Op! I did!" I got 6 stiches should of had more. Couldn't hardly move my hand for a week and a half without extreme pain. Still cant really squeeze things to open things like bottles without pain. Its finally healing decently and gonna scar horribly. I have no feeling around the stiches, and it hurts extremely to the touch. Bumping it against things is a nono as that sends stinging all the way through my hand even with the lightest touch.
In other news, due to the recent slow down in the economy I had to stop playing paintball and as of right now, wont be able to travel with the team due to the lack of practice. Not like it maters right now anyways I couldn't hold my gun if I wanted to =/.
Such is life, otherwise all is well and life is just peachy.