I like to yell when I drive. I'm not angry when I do it, though. I like yelling with some sort of personal justification without the other person knowing it. I'm yelling because you cut me off. I'm yelling because you're going to slow. I'm yelling because you slammed on your brakes and caused a bad chain reaction. I'm yelling because it's fun. It's not the same as wanting to yell at something stupid with justification; that's in retrospect, and it doesn't feel as good. And if you yell in the moment at someone else, you'll probably get in trouble or drama will ensue. But when I'm driving and I get to yell, sometimes with no reason, it feels good. There's a reason why I'm yelling ... sort of. It's very over-exaggerated yelling, sometimes in random accents that I don't know where they came from. And no one knows why I'm yelling; no one knows that I'm yelling. I wonder if people yell at me in their cars because of me. Probably.
(Yesterday, I drove over a parking bump. =) Why? I have no idea. I was so out of it yesterday. It was super hot, and I just wanted to go home. There was no parking bump in my stall, but I neglected to remember that, uh, there is a parking stall in front of me, and lo behold. I don't think anyone saw me, buuuuttt ...)
Anyway, meme stole from, like, everyone. Lol.
1. Which is your favorite fic?
That's a toughie for me because I like all my fics. XP I'd say Lull, though, because the narrative is fun to write in and the characters are neat to portray. I might be saying that because it's currently the only story I'm writing. I do like the Lost Chronicles of Johto because I like the concept. And I can't not like HLBMA because that's my first pokemon fic evar and pretty much helped me develop my skills as a writer.
2. Which is your best-received fic?
HLBMA for sure. It recently hit 1.5k reviews and 300+ favorites on ff.net a few days ago and is still my most read fic daily even though it's been completed a year ago It's pretty popular on SPPF, too. I have no idea why. I guess the journey story aspect along with the whole game protags as main characters thing. I've been trying to figure out why it's so popular. I guess it is easy to get through, and the dialogue is, supposedly, witty. Oh and the characters are pretty goofy and fun to read about.
3. Which is your worst-received fic?
Probably some story I wrote when I was thirteen that I long deleted. =P I never really had a story that was outright disliked by people. I once wrote a fic on ff.net that was a parody of Hilary Duff's CD (that Lizzy McGuire chick if you remember) for some reason that was both loved and hated if that counts.
4. Which is your angsty-est fic?
Probably "Dignity." Wrote it when I was fourteen, and it's about Brendan being left behind while May went on to be champion. Whiny, whiny, whiny. Actually, the concept isn't that bad; the delivery was just cliche. I could probably do more with it now if I tried.
5. Which is your funniest fic?
I personally think The Lost Chronicles of Johto. The premise is cracky enough in itself, and Jimmy is pretty much a dumbass in it. Though HLBMA has its moments, too.
6. Smuttiest?
Lol that reminds me to finish my Lucas/Dawn smut. None, yet, really, not unless you count that one chapter in Lull where Lucas has a dirty dream. But it wasn't that detailed, soooo ...
7. Fluffiest?
Probably Never Let Me Go, which is ridiculous and stupid and mushy. Thirteen year old self loved it, though.
8. Have you ever made someone cry with a fic?
Supposedly a chapter in HLBMA has made a lot of people cry, but I call bullshit. =P I think people are more stunned than sad with my stories.
9. Which fic frustrates you the most?
HLBMA because there's still so much to fucking edit. =( While writing it, I got stuck often.
10. Which fic was the most fun to write?
Despite the above, probably HLBMA. =P There were so many characters to work with, and they're all "special" in their own way. I would say Lull is a close second for the exact same reason except with a darker twist.
11. Who is your favorite OC you've ever created?
Meh, I haven't created many, honestly. =P If someone looks like an OC, I probably based it off a stock character in the game. (A few people thought the Eldritch family in Lull was OC but I told them that they're actual characters.) I always liked the "Mom" character in One Day, but I'm not sure if that counts because it was first-person narrative. Chris from HLBMA is also neat because he balances Brendan out nicely. Actually, ffft. Muddy. I don't know why the pokemon OCs slipped my mind. Muddy because he's such a goober and does the most random things. Sirius might be, too. Flare is awesome. Idk anymore. =(
12. Are you better at oneshot or multipart?
Probably multipart. When I do write oneshots, they're more slice-of-life-ish that could have worked as a side chapter in a multipart. Recently, anyway.
13. What character do you think you're the best at portraying?
Probably the game protags. I've been working with Brendan/May/Wally for at least five years, Lucas and Dawn for a year and a half (think Lucas might be pushing two years).
14. What character is the most difficult to portray?
Probably gym leaders/E4. I say this because I really no nothing of their histories. I should try writing with them, though. =P
15. Tag five other authors!
your face x 5