(no subject)

Oct 24, 2010 22:57

I always enjoy Lance's room in HG/SS.  A magnificent room made out of gold with a single red carpet leading up to our champion.  Swinging on the sides are some weird-ass horseshoe-shaped things. A set of grand double doors are behind him ...

... and afterward, someone reminded Lance that he should have something to do with the type of pokemon he uses, so he said something like, "Um, throw a bunch of dratini statues in there."


I almost got in my first major accident yesterday.  I was driving home from my boyfriend's house.  All was going well: there was no traffic, it stopped raining, no one had really cut me off, etc.  I came to a part of the freeway where the few freeways divide, so one lane is for another freeway, two lanes are for the same freeway (the one or two or whatever that I needed to be on), and the other lane is another freeway.  I fail explain.  There's probably a word for it but I can't remember.  Anyway, I get in the lane I'm suppose to be in behind one of those vans with no windows.  I drive a smaller sedan, so I can't see around/above it.  We're probably going about ... 65 mph or so at this point.

Anyway, I notice the van started to swerve back and forth.  It was about to head into the right lane with its right blinker on, but it quickly swerves back into mine.  Then it starts to swerve left (for the other freeway), but quickly swerves back into my lane.  I didn't really think much of it because most people are rather confused/stupid when it comes changing lanes.  We're still going around 60 mph, though I start to slowly move back, more out of a "I'm lazy and feel like coasting" mood.

It comes to the point of the freeway where the freeways are starting to separate into different lanes, and the van makes more jerky movements before suddenly merging into the left lane, barely squeezing into it and still going around 60 mph.  I hear car honks and screeches at first, and I kind of had a "smh" moment, but then I notice the reason why he probably had to make a quick lane change.  All the cars in front of the van were pretty much crawling at 10-20mph and the freaking moron did not want to step on his brakes.  I literally slam on my brakes, felt the brakes crunch under my foot, and barelyyyy stopped in time to not hit the car in front of me.  It was a black buggy.  Why I had to tell you that?  Dunno.  Just remember.

So I start to panic, while we're slowly creeping in the lane, and eventually cry.  A stupid moment to cry, yeah, but all the high stress from the past month finally caught up to me in that moment.  Kind of like when I cried in front of the courthouse except ten times worst.  I had to pull off the freeway and call the boyfriend because I was so freaked out by it.  Nothing bad happened, except maybe some brake damage, and no one got hurt, but it was still so ... scary.  He asked me if maybe the guy was drunk, and I said I wasn't sure (I remember asking him something like "do drunk drivers use their signals?" since he did use it once to get into the right lane).  I hope he wasn't.

And that's my story.  I was unnecessarily shaken up by it last night when trying to sleep.  I'm super lucky that no one was driving behind me (so so so grateful for that because I'm positive something bad would have happened) and that my car has amazingly awesome brakes.  I was positive I was going to hit the car in front of me but managed to make a full stop a good bit away.  Still could see the back wheels of the other car anyway.  I'm trying to imagine what the black buggy felt if the driver was looking in the rear-view.  Some van speeding in toward him, wondering why he wasn't slowing down, before seeing the van change lanes and then see another car speeding toward him.  Fun times.

In retrospect, I'm trying to figure out what I could have done to avoid that entire mess.  I had wanted to change into the other lane that also was heading down the freeway I had to get into, but I didn't want to mess with traffic and merge unnecessarily so (sigh).  I guess I could have traveled further away from the van, but I wasn't that close to begin with.  Maybe three-four seconds away.  Or I should have stepped on my brakes anyway even if I couldn't see the traffic ahead of me or something.  Or I should have been wary because stupid van was being stupid.  Eh.  I should get over it. =P

Sociology paper to finish, huzzah.  I don't know why I bother with sociology classes and their anal guidelines for papers.  Maybe because they're easy?

driving, life, aggh

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