It's been awhile. School ended for me, and I haven't really been up to anything, hence the lack of anything worth mentioning here in this LJ. I had this weird dream where I was competing on this reality show called The Debutante, which was kind of like America's (or whatever country you're from) Next Top Model and Project Runway (really, any sort of clothing design show). We had to pick out a proper outfit before heading toward an airport. The dream then skipped to the airport's jetway (or whatever that ramp is called between the terminal and airplane), and people were waiting in it to board. But then something funky happened to the gravity, and everyone started to fall toward the left. Chandler from Friends was next to me, and he started to play with this phone I had in my hand. There was some voice that then said, "Because the gravity turned funky, Chandler decided to strip Jamie's phone instead!"
Then I had this other dream that I was revamping a room in my house to be a games room. I had to pick up a billiards table, and for some reason I had to drive five blue cars to do it. I'm not sure how I did it (something about driving to one stoplight, then running back to the other car and driving that one forward. I'm not sure why dream self didn't think of asking other people or even chaining the other cars to one car somehow). I also remember some part where I didn't want to use a toilet because I didn't want to mess up the picture that was painted on it.
My days consist of sleeping in, sleeping, eating, sleeping ... Sometimes shopping ... Sleeping. Woot woot. It's only been two weeks, though. I still have plenty of time to do ... something, right? =P
Speaking of clothing shows, I'm watching Say Yes to the Dress and I'm not sure how people can buy dresses that are about three grand more than my car. o_O
Silence = Deafening? So this is number four (since I started keep track) of the "I get no reviews!" sort of threads; however this one is more hypothetical as Brumrha hasn't posted a new 'fic since, well, awhile ago. You know, I usually don't get upset/irritated about these threads, but this response really hit me:
"It's a sad thing to see a story go to waste because people won't at least write a little review. It's worse if it happens to yourself as the author. True story, I ditched my story here because no one was replying to it, even though I loved writing it. I'm getting more reviews on FanFiction than I am here. Heck, anyone can get more reviews there than on Serebii any day 7_7.
I don't know the reason why no one is replying to stories here, but it needs to be solved. Back in the day, even before I joined, just about every story, good or bad, was having someone saying something. Now, for whatever reason, you have to be in some circle of awesome, well-known author members in order to get some attention. I don't like that. We have new members coming in who are showing a talent in writing, but no one will give them the spotlight."
... o_O?
Really, this boggles me because I don't see what she is seeing.
I do like that she compares the quantity of reviews of to SPPf since, you know, the criteria for reviews is certainly the same ( is free-for-all while SPPf reviews usually has some sort of substance -- and yes, I checked. All the reviews this poster got from were things like "Write more please!") and for some reason that SPPf is neglecting newbie authors. But when I look at the first page, there is rarely anyone who doesn't have a response from someone who is not the author (I only saw two). SPPf is, agreeably, slower (a lot of the forums are now because of final examinations and vacation breaks where people have limited computer access), but no one responding?
I know I'm super biased because I do consider myself a somewhat active reviewer at SPPf and a supposed "well-known" on that forum, but the mere fact that someone is going "NO ONE IS REVIEWING" irritates me because while there may not be five-ten reviewers per story, there are still people, well, reviewing. Most of the people that do complain about not getting reviews or not seeing reviews rarely help with alleviating the situation or are rarely seen in the main fanfiction forum outside their story.
How many times have I ranted about this? Lol.
I mean ... I want to respond to this thread, and I know I probably should, at least to question the "I don't know the reason why no one is replying to stories here" response, but I feel too invested/emotionally attached to reviewing to respond without biting heads.
Diddy is reviewing again. They're kind of ... amusing/interesting. I'm glad that he found his own review style (instead of continuing on with the super snarky review style ala Yami). They are a bit berserk, and some do seem slightly mean-spirited, but I think he has a good handle on when it's appropriate to use a certain tone. I hope. We'll see. =P
Edit: Also this backpack is ftw