Mar 26, 2006 19:23
hello everyone♥
so life has been on the ok side for the most part...some things still annoy me and yeah some things still upset me teachers annoy me and so do headaches...and the things that upset me?...oh yeah the same old will never change..and reading back through the old conversations wont make anything better at makes it worse..its nice to look back every now and then and know that something WAS there, but then you have to face the realization that it is gone and there is basically no chance of it ever happening again, at least with that person...oh boy and speaking of the past-sometimes its easier to backtrack to the people you used to want instead of putting yourself out there for people you dont know the know what will happen and when it will happen and even why it will happen...maybe it makes you predictable and safe but at least its better than getting your heart broken again...but hey-living in the past could do that to you anyways if you go back for the wrong person<3
soooooooo this entry is pointless
and oh yeah
thats all for now america♥
ill be alright and ill sleep sound as long as you keep coming around*