Aug 17, 2007 18:54
The stupid crazy thunder storm kept me awake last night. I swear I only slept like 4 hours.
Jill and I have been watching Degrassi all day. I should maybe venture outside but really .... I'M TOOOOOO I'm staying inside. All day. Shoot me. I'm trying to stay awake so I can have a decent sleep tomorrow. I'm running out of things to watch/do though. I can't concentrate for that long.
Jill's gone to the mall now. Now I'm lonely. And hot. My chocolate melted it's so hot. I'm such a fat kid. All I ate was pasta and chocolate today. I probably should make something else to eat buttt.... no.
I need... balloons. AND ... I'm not sure.
I need the bathroom. I think.
Yes. I do.