sick, broke ass

Nov 03, 2005 15:03

i started to get a cold like two weeks ago like my nose started running and i have had sinus headache for two weeks. now my throat hurts and i cant breath out of my nose and my nody aches and i have to work, today will be like like 8 days in a row. so im going to the dcotor tomorrow morning hopfully to get some medicine because if they tell me its allergies im gonna scream because my doctor sucks and never knows what she talking about and i end up there at least three time before im better, becuase she misdiagnoese (Sp?).
on the up side im getting more hours at work. and i have decided to go visit dustin in i think march...i cant wait to see him.
im broke and i cant wait to get paid today, but most of my money is already gone. but next week my pay check will be pretty large compared to the rest, yhea!
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