I'm the only gay eskimo, I'm the only one I know..

Oct 21, 2005 02:55

I burnt the fuck out of myself. My hand is in more pain then a woman shooting out some kids. I can't stop the burning. I have to wait for the shit to get gross and go away.. but I just don't wanna. I wanna cry, it hurts so bad.

Haha.. This picture is so fucking funny.

I haven't been going to school, because I suck?
I got my sweet American School papers, today, though..
Hopefully I can do it this year.

After last night, I've gotten really confused.
About what?

I'm tangled between several men. (No, not like that.. I'm not a WEINER MOBILE!!!! ROFL.)
I am so very confused. So, I'm not going to use the actual names because a few of them have LiveJournal and may read this, but they'll probably know which one is them, anyways. SO, I'm gonna do this the way my good ol' pal, Mike, did when he was having trouble with the ladies..

Man A, is neat.. He's my opposite gender twin. We get along so well, and have so much fun when we're together.. I could see things happening, but then again, I REALLY can't. There's a lot of things about him that are great. But there seems like there's only thing he's after.. I can tell he's shy, so he's waiting for me to make the first move; But, I won't because of certain reasons and he knows this. He's even told me before, but then he changes his mind.. all the time. I couldn't see myself being romantic with this one. I couldn't really see anything with him. I don't want to ruin anything.

Maybe this is something I should keep as just a friend. I don't know.

Man B.. Absolutley awesome. He's cute, funny, sweet, (although, he doesn't think he is..) and does all those little things that really make a difference, but he hasn't really shown that much interest in me. We talk almost everyday, and we've never got into an argument.. And if we have, it obviously wasn't important, or I'd remember it. We both do this thing exactly the same, and it makes me laugh.. Since, no one else has ever done it. He has a car, which is pretty sweet. I know we'd be able to see each other. What I'm mainly concerned about this one is that.. I've been let down once before. He had told me something which made me start liking him, again. He knows this, too, and he says how he has no real interest in anyone else right now, so shit should work out.. I'm kinda hoping it does, I just don't like to wait. BUT, I will.. If that's what it takes, and I just don't want to be left trying to figure out what's gonna happen.. and then, nothing.

Man C is not too bad looking, at all. He doesn't live very far.. but it'd still be hard to try seeing him. He's already mentioned something about us going together. For some reason, that's not what I want with him. He's cool as hell.. and we're both comfortable around each other. We'll say anything. But he just doesn't seem like the kind of person I could see myself with. I mean, I could, but I couldn't. I can tell he could be romantic.. but I'm not sure what it is.. Maybe it's cause he's younger than I. Or maybe cause he's just a llllliiiiitttttttlllleeee bit shorter then me. I doubt the physical features are it. But there's something there.. that isn't there. Do you understand what I'm saying? Because I'm finding this hard as hell to type out.

Man D is the reason I shouldn't be posting this up. He's an asshole. I can't stand him at times. He's a little queer, and that bothers me. When we first met, everything was great. I had no worries, he was cool as shit, and I had a big ass crush on him. Then, we started going out.. Still good to each other. We had fun, he was romantic.. Came by about everyday just to visit. Then, we broke up a few times. And got back together a few times. Which is NOT what I want from a relationship. I want to dump him, but because of my own issues, when it comes down to the time to really say, "Bye bye ASSHOLE!" I just can't do it. I don't know what my deal is. If Man B came into the picture, I wouldn't have a problem. Man D, here, though, thinks he is what you call.. a bread. A big ugly bread. Why anyone would think of themselves like that, I do not know, my friend, I just don't. But he does. And I was okay with that. His dad is an asshole. He wants me arrested, although, I've done nothing but be nice to this man. Jo-Man D (Come on' you guys all knew it was him, anyways..) has also have some weird tendancies, which I'm not comfortable with. He puts me in weird situations. Maybe he's just eggin' it on.. I'd rather him leave me, then me having to do the mean thing.. but of course, I always think, maybe something good will happen.. Maybe it'll go back to normal. But I don't see it happening.. So, maybe it's time to just let go.

Man E .. Well, there isn't a man E, so, you're lucky..

Now, because I don't know what to do.. You guys should help me out.
Comment annoymous, if you want. I don't care.
Hell, don't comment at all, if you don't want to.
I just don't know what to do about these dudes.
They're all awesome, and I have some kind of feelings for each.
I'm just looking for suggestions, people. What I do is up to me.
I wanna see what other people would do.

Thanks, if you comment. Eff you, if you don't.
Toodles. <3
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