(no subject)

Oct 14, 2004 17:51

[Name] Samantha
[Birth date] 11.o7.9o
[Birthplace] y0nkers
[Current Location] eastchester
[Eye Color] Blue
[Hair Color] br0wn//blonde.
[Height] 5'5"
[Righty or Lefty] Righty.
[Innie or Outie] Innie.
[Zodiac Sign] Scorpio
[Year of the..] :-\ i have no idea
[time] 5:27 pm.
[date] October 14 2004.

[Current Mood] bored
[Current Hair] messi bun
[Current Annoyance] everything.
[Current Smell] my parfume and nail polish
[Current thing you ought to be doing] nadda clue
[Current Desktop Picture] my chemical romance thing
[Current Favorite Group] uhm, i have a lot
[Current Worry] that you still dont care.
[Current Crush] idk, im trying not to think about it, so shut your fuckin face you ass hole

Level Two - Describe
[The shoes you wore today] my vans
[Your weakness] ugh theres just too many to list
[Your fears] being alone
[Your perfect pizza(s)]...
[Most exciting moment of the day] seeing friends
[Your perfect day]  if only you where there<3

Level Three - Tell...
[Your most overused phrase on AIM] definately 'lol'
[Your thoughts first waking up] what time is it?
[Your best physical feature] My eyes.
[Your bedtime] whenever my eyes close and i fall asleep
[Curfew] depends on what day it is and where im goinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
[Your greatest accomplishment] idk i dont think ive gotten there yet.
[Your most missed memory] :-\
[Your most embarrassing moment] idk i have a bunch
[Favorite Movie] jay and silent bob strike back, the south park movie, and more but i dont feel like listen
[Favorite song] i have a lotta those too, uhm, well the last song that i liistened to that i really like is cold by crossfade and lady in a blue dress by senses fail
[Type of music]nething really.

Level Four - You prefer...
[Guys or Girls] Guys.
[Pepsi or Coke] pepsi.
[McDonald`s or Burger King] mickeydees.
[Single or group dates] both
[adidas or nike] converse
[Chocolate or vanilla] chocolate
[Cappuccino or coffee] coffee
[Beach or the Pool] beach
[tall or short] Tall
[shoes or slippers] Shoes.
[staying home or goin out] out
[night or day] night
[boxers or briefs] Boxers.
[thongs or panties] thongs

Level Five - Do you...?
[smoke] yeah
[sing well] no
[Do you think you've been in love] no
[Want to go to college] maybe
[Like high school] Yes
[Have kids] Not currently, which i think is a good thing lol
[Believe in yourself] not atall
[Get motion sickness] yeas
[Think you're attractive] no
[Think you're a health freak] no way hosea
[Get along with your parents] no
[like roller coasters] yea
[like thunderstorms] yeah

Level Six - Past month have you...
[Drank alcohol] oh god yes lol
[Smoked] yeah
[Done a drug] uhm, does like 2 pulls count?
[Gone on a date] no
[Kissed anyone] yea
[Gone to the mall?] yeap
[Eaten an entire box of Oreos] no
[Eaten sushi] ewwe no
[Been on stage] no.
[Been dumped] no.
[Gone skating] no.
[Made homemade cookies] no
[Gone skinny dipping] No
[Dyed your hair] does a sharpie highlight count?
[stolen anything] yea

Level Seven - Have you ever...
[Played a game that required removal of clothing]  yes
[If so, was it mixed company] yes
[Been trashed or extremely intoxicated] uhm yeah lol
[Been caught "doing something"] yesssss lol
[Been called a tease] no
[Gotten beaten up] no
[Asked someone out] no

Level Eight - Opposite sex
[Best eye color?] doesnt matter to me
[Best hair color?] doesnt matter
[piercings] hmm, i unno, nething really, omg and a toung ring, holy shyt that wud b hot lol
[tattoos] sure
[Short or long hair?] not like long like a girls hair but it dusnt really matter,
[Best height] taller then me
[Best article of Clothing] hm
[Features] uh,
[Best first date location] doesnt matter
[Best first kiss location] dunno

Level Nine - Number of...
[Number of drugs taken illegally] uhm, does that mean how many different kinds? lol, prolly 1/2
[Number of people I could trust with my life] i dont even trust myself with mylife
[Number of CDs that I own] im not even gunna start counting, theres way too many
[Number of piercings] 4 soon to b*counting* 10/11(once i get my belly button it'll b 11, toung'll b 12)
[Where] ears, soon to b toung and belly button
[Number of tattoos] none but i want some
[Where] uhm
[Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper] umm once
[Number of scars on my body] ill count just for yu and ill even list the places cuz im cool like that :16 on my left arm, 2 on my left hand, 3 on my right arm, 4 on my right hand, 2 on my right ankle, 1 on each knee, and 4 on my stomche
[Number of things in my past that I regret] a lot

Level Ten - The future...
[Age you hope to be married] before 30.
[Numbers and Names of Children] 3 not sure about the names
[Describe your Dream Wedding] i have no idea
[Where you want to go to college] no idea
[What do you want to be when you grow up] i really have no idea
[Where do you want to end up] with the person i love
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