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Jun 25, 2004 23:24

S0, last night was better then just sitting h0me- went and g0t ice cream @ DaiRY QueeN w/ *MY.NeiGHB0R* ;-) damn I <3 my milkshakes!right now i'm on the phone w/ <3wes<3so hang on...

…0kay .. s0 t0day was tight, went t0 the *BeaCH* w/ BeAn! It was a l0t 0f fun! Hehe especial the French kid that “likes t0 sm0ke the green stuff that y0u gr0w and gets y0u f*cked up”! that was s00 funny! And then that freakin smell! Hah u kn0w what im talking ab0ut! H0LY SHIT! The fricken war/president Bush debate! “did y0u just call us filthy americans!?” 0h n0 he didn’t! yeah and wait-t0-g0 bean! I feel s0 bad! Getting the r0pes stuck!? G0d I can’t believe that! We were the fattest girls there!! L sad huh? But n0w im just chillen 0ver b’s h0use and helping her babysit her br0ther and sister. Fun .. ur sister=crazy! Aww that’s cute- kara made a new friend! That shit was hilari0us! The ne0pets and p0kem0n and The d0g! haha w0w we have s0me sluts c0ming int0 0ur sch00l next year! GREAT! I can’t wait! Hah 0ur sm00thies were g00d in there 0wn little way! Haha t00 bad s0mething rand0mly happened t0 the banana! 0h well… but im sooo not looking forward tomorrow- I have to work from 230 to freakin 10! That sucks so bad! Me=have no life this weekend! My life=work all the f*ckin time! Ugh! But w/e im gunna go finish watching T0Y ST0RY 2! <3MiCH<3

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