Aug 11, 2010 15:04

I was just smashed! In the face! With a brick house!
And fuck did it ever feel good!

My ENTIRE beliefs were just shifted and changed and renewed and revamped and just GAGH! EVERYTHING.

I don't even know where to rationally begin, this is gonna be all over the place but I just have to throw it out somewhere while it's fresh in my brain!

Raised in a church with rules and guidelines and heaven and hell and a judgmental God and a rapture and all of that fun church stuff...
Throw it out the window !!!!

Imagine a world with no rules or guidelines. No hell. No rapture (maybe??)

My beliefs... wow... here goes.

I believe in God. THE God. The creator of our world and universe because when I look outside at every last thing, when I look inside myself at every last detail... I know with every cell in my wonderfully designed body that He is real!
But He isn't sitting up there judging our sins and deciding which of our horrible acts are getting us thrown into hell!
You know what? Maybe there is no Hell...

If God loves me even more than my MOM loves me.... I don't see how he could damnate me to eternal torture for turning against Him. I think the fuckin church is corrupt! Since way back when they've kept secrets of spiritual revelation from us because THEY want the power, THEY want it all! They want the control! And at some point in time, some lucky couple of chosen men got to choose which books were "inspired" by God and which ones were to be thrown out of the Bible because they aren't "God inspired"
But all the ones that were thrown away were all the ones full of truly powerful spiritual positive ways of thinking and manifestations and teachings of synchronicity and all the things people would condemn for being "new age"
well you know what? NEW AGE is exactly what God wanted! He sent Jesus to bring on a NEW AGE, to get rid of the OLD AGE... Old Testament... and bring in the new one full of life and love! I don't want to believe in an Old Testament God who burns and condemns people for their sins and demands these horrible sacrifices or else you're damned to hell to be tortured mercilessly for all eternity. Fuck that!
That is NOT the God I love and that is NOT the God that loves me!!

So the church throws out some crucial books of The Bible. Everything left in it is all rules and guidelines so that you don't go to Hell. So their religion becomes fear driven. People are scared of this terrible Hell that the church portrays so they stick with the church. And they therefore give the church all the power that it lusts after.
The church has been corrupted for so long! You need to follow rules, there are steps into heaven but watch out, step outta line and this "loving God" is going to DAMN YOU TO HELL FOR ETERNITY.

God has GIVEN us free will so why are we threatened in the worst way possible if we use it!?
It makes no sense!

What's always pushed me away from Christianity is how you're forced into it. The only reason I have believed for quite some time now is because I was afraid! But i'm not afraid anymore because there's nothing to fear! I don't believe in this "HELL"
I believe in a God who LOVES every soul on this earth more than any love will ever be able to amount to.
And our souls go through learning stages.
This fleshy body is just a learning stage for our souls on this brief blink of an eye while on earth.

God does look at the sins we commit but in one way or another every single person sins every single day. So we'd all be going to hell then. No. haha.

Our souls are making mistakes but he loves them. We're all in different stages in this learning journey and so we all go on to something new after we die to continue learning. Do we ever finish learning? I have no idea.
Maybe there's even such a thing as reincarnation... Souls coming back to earth to continue learning! WHO KNOWS! It's such a wonderful possibility among oceans of wonderful possibilities! (And it would explain Deja Vu and feeling like you've known someone your whole life even though you've just met them)
Either way.. We all go on to a different place in the afterlife to continue learning. Not hell. We're not going to be tortured post death.
The Bible is still a general guideline for how we could have the BEST life possible! But it's not a "do it or die" type of thing.
I believe that souls do meet again after life on earth and recognize each other.

I'm learning that sometimes it takes a person outside of the protective circle of religion to articulate the very point that keeps those of faith inside it.

I believe these beliefs and ideas have been hidden from us so that the church can have more power and control! Not anymore!
I honestly even believe Springs (my highschool's church) and certain religious leaders and programs like It's A New Day... I believe they're on the right track. The people on It's A New Day definitely know. But this is a huge movement and they can't just come out with it and contradict everything that Christianity has ever been taught. I am not a Christian. I am spiritual and i feel that that is RIGHT. In my heart it feels more right than anything I've ever experienced before.

Freedom of speech is BULLSHIT. Especially in Christianity. You speak something against the church rules and you're condemned. Some people are even stoned. My beliefs have to be kept under wraps from a lot of people or I will be judged and condemned.
But this is it. This is real. I feel so at peace with this!!!

People say that New Age believers... many of them believe that they are Gods. Or God. The God.
I don't. But I believe I am a piece of him. My soul. He lives inside of me. He took a piece of himself, put it in me and sent me to earth to learn because this is where I am in my soul's learning stage.
Any any power I have comes THROUGH Him. It's all done in Him. Everything is HIS! <3 :)

He loves me and I love Him! (: <3

He wants me to have the desires of my heart, and all happiness. Blah! I've got this!
And.. The Rapture..? I won't touch that yet. Much more learning to do. No answers for that. I'm on the fence. Maybe there will be one, maybe it'll be nothing like the Bible says it will be.

You never know, but for ONCE in my life I'm excited to find out! I'm attached to this earth and I don't want to leave it but there are so many more possibilities opened for me and I'm so excited about it all!!! I'm on fire for EVERTHING life has to offer me. Not just life on earth, but life as a soul.

I'm still debating satan, or negative forces.. there's so much to think about! And I'm so passionate about this and so ready to learn! Awesome :) Effing awesome. I can't wait to share this with people who I know would appreciate this and really think about it. Not just become a religious wall and shut it out. This is amazing!

I have SO much more to say about EVERYTHING but it's far too much to type! This is really just for Dallian.
(Or any creeps who find this on a Google search and decide to read it LOL)

But Dal this is what I was texting you about! We have to get together and talk about this! Maybe with Mandi ??! :)
And anyone else who will really listen and add insight and possibilities!

GAGH! :)
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