hmmm... 10 words... this oughta be interesting :-) (these are more what i think of you rather than what reminds me of you... i figured you'd appreciate these more)
*cheery (in the good kinda way- not the annoying cheerleader on crack kinda way) *levelheaded *optimistic *beautiful *talented (that calligraphy project was awesome! i dont care what your teacher says... it was soooo much better than that) *you look like you could be my sister, which i'm not really sure if thats a good thing for you or not :-)
k so thats only six... but there arent specific words to tell that come to mind when i think of you... some things are more complex than words,
things like- i barely know you guys, but i can already tell that working wtih all of you is going to be one of my most treasured experiences in my life. i can tell just from talking to you that you have a clear and levelheaded mind, which is definatley going to take you far in life if you choose to use your talents wisely, which i'm sure you will. you have a strong determination to see things through until they're finished. you have your own opinions about things, which is one of the most important assets that you can carry with you- you dont need people to make decisions for you, and you're completley capable of doing your own dirty work. people that cant make their own decisions always get stuck doing something that they dont want to do for the rest of their lives. they get put into a postion where they dont want to be, but they think they're in the right place because they let other people decide thier future. You're not one of those people... i can tell
you'll go far in whatever goals you set for yourself. you can achieve anything that you put your mind to.
now i'm going to end this with a lame quote, that i try to live my life by
"Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars"
*cheery (in the good kinda way- not the annoying cheerleader on crack kinda way)
*talented (that calligraphy project was awesome! i dont care what your teacher says... it was soooo much better than that)
*you look like you could be my sister, which i'm not really sure if thats a good thing for you or not :-)
k so thats only six... but there arent specific words to tell that come to mind when i think of you... some things are more complex than words,
things like-
i barely know you guys, but i can already tell that working wtih all of you is going to be one of my most treasured experiences in my life.
i can tell just from talking to you that you have a clear and levelheaded mind, which is definatley going to take you far in life if you choose to use your talents wisely, which i'm sure you will.
you have a strong determination to see things through until they're finished.
you have your own opinions about things, which is one of the most important assets that you can carry with you- you dont need people to make decisions for you, and you're completley capable of doing your own dirty work. people that cant make their own decisions always get stuck doing something that they dont want to do for the rest of their lives. they get put into a postion where they dont want to be, but they think they're in the right place because they let other people decide thier future. You're not one of those people... i can tell
you'll go far in whatever goals you set for yourself. you can achieve anything that you put your mind to.
now i'm going to end this with a lame quote, that i try to live my life by
"Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars"
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