Apr 16, 2005 10:50
Yesterday was awesome!!! School was great. I don't know why, it just was. After school I went to the doctor for my arm and she said I've got tendinitis. But it's feeling better each day, so hopefully it'll be gone soon!! Since my doctors office is connected to an eye doctor office (my doctors husband) my mom decided to go a head and get my eyes checked out. Since I can't see and all!! So my vision has gotten worse..which sucks!! It's so weird b/c I know how I am supposed to see, and I don't see that way so it's annoying. But I am getting glasses. Just for distance though. So at least I don't have to wear them 24/7. They said I gotta wear em when I'm drivin especially. Ha! Yea, that'd be bad if I couldn't see when I was drivin. After both doctors appointments I called Auttumn and we went and saw Hitch! I had already seen it but oh man it's even better when you go with someone like Auttumn. Ahahaha!! There were these little like, 6th graders actin really retarded. I guess they were tryin to impress us or somethin. They tried to get our names, but we just ignored them. Stupid kids. Lol. Now that its like 7:40 on saturday night..I cleaned all day and got mad b/c of something. Then I took a shower and went over to Heathers. We hung out and talked about random things (like normal) and then we went up to the Target shopping center and shopped around. I found this really cute bathing suit that I want, but I'm not sure it fits right, so I'm gonna have to get my mom to look at it. Then we went to Fazoli's and ate dinner. And Edward came and sat and talked with us. Now I am home and I just talked to CJ and we're gonna hang out tomorrow. I'm so excited. I love him so much!! Then tomorrow night Timmy is gonna come tutor me because I've got a math test on tuesday. Whee!! Anyways, my daddy and brother are home (they're not supposed to be because they went to feed the AT hikers (since my bro hiked it a couple years ago) and they were going to stay, but for some reason they didn't. So I'm gonna go see if I can go drive. I really wanna. I'll ttyl. Love yall!!!