yeah ok make the expected comments about oh my god posting anonymous is soo pussy but ya know im saving the drama for now but dont worry ill let you know who i am when im ready but all im going to say is ashley you are trying just a little to hard i understand people change GRADUALLY over time thats completly normal it seems like every 2 months your making a huge drastic change like your trying to be like everyone else and trying to make your apperance seem as what people now aday are labled as "scene kids" and im sorry hunnie the hole trying to take these emo pictures and make your lj all hardcore just isnt what i consider ashley its just an all of the sudden to quick to much to fast kinda change if that makes sense and this isnt ment to come across as a mean comment its just something that was on my mind and insted of being like most bitches who have been saying this same exact shit behind your back for the past month ive got the balls to say this to your face
( ... )
oh and to add to that im not at all saying your personality has changed or is fake or anything because i dont hang out with you enough to know about all of that so im just saying im not sure how to put it but kind of as though your trying a little to hard to be what everyone else is being insted of ashley when people love you for who you are not who your trying to be so just keep that in mind please
u know u can tlk ur shit and start drama cuz i dont really care ...i am who i am and if u cant ecxcept that then dont start this shitt ppl change and just cuz i dress diffrently then i used to dosent mean shit....i dont even fucking know what it means to be scene soo how am i trying to be like it? i wore a skirt and tank top to school one day ..are u gunna say im trying to be all preppy??i dont want to tlk to u ....cuz uve already said what u had to and u obveously dont even much know me cuz if u were one of my friends why would u say this shit to me??? but w/e i dont need ppl like u puting me down and tlking shit ive got better friends then that
"people love you for who you are not who your trying to be so just keep that in mind please" yeah ashley changed but everyone else did.. but haven't you noticed that sence everyone went to highschool they changed! but people should love her they way she is and the way she changed! ashley will be the same no matter what and i love her! <33
and how are u gunna say all this shit if you said dont hang out with you enough to know about all of that so im just saying ..? makes no fucking sense! so how would u even have the room to say this about me?'re obviously a young'n. first of all, Ashley's fucking awesome. i'm not sure if your aware of this, but it's usually when you get to hs where you start to find yourself and find your true friends(i should kno b/c i'm a fucking senior). she hasn't changed her "style" at all since i've known her ,and that's since the beginning of the year during volleyball season! she is in NO WAY "scene", if you would like an example of scene, go to lakewood ranch(nothing against lw..i <3 u guys!!). and even so, there's nothing wrong with being scene, i have so many fucking awesome scene freinds!! and who gives a shit if ash wants to do "emo pics", they're just for fun and sometimes it just IS fun to take them!i kno u didn't wanna start no "lj drama" or what not, but that's just something too gay, and u should just say it to her face instead of posting in on her lj where EVERYONE Can c it. this shit is gay. i'm out.
yeah ashley changed but everyone else did..
but haven't you noticed that sence everyone went to highschool they changed!
but people should love her they way she is and the way she changed!
ashley will be the same no matter what and i love her!
<33 ilu 2
i <3 u ash!! ;)
ur soo cool ..thanx for stickin up for me im glad i have a friend like u babe! good luck tonight ..ill be there!
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