Feb 10, 2004 23:58
In the event that you are ever privied to the enjoyment of mudwrestling, take a moment to watch the ladies going at it. You may realize that they are not playing for fun, but for the money. At Randolph's last saturday night, Chris, Brad, Scott, and I watched a weird yet awesome spectacle that could only have been brought along by the sheer NEED for money. A stripper that we all knew from Emerson's was competing and was the Queen and raining champion of the muswrestling spectacle. She was out for the gold, smeared from head to toe in what looked like cow jizm. Of course that last statement is just a deduction, I could be wrong.
The other competitor went to blows with the champion and brought blood. Now at this point all of the men in the audience is like," Look at this mothafucka!" We had no idea that these girls were actually in a fight for the cash... This was no friendly game. Of course the fact that they wanted blood made the game more fierce than ever before. This brought about a applause that was only sullied by the battered faces of the once beautiful ladies. All in all, it was more fiercely played and planned out than Janet Jackson's tit being displayed for the viewing pleasure of all, even though some refuse to accept that tits are beautiful i.e.- the moral minority.
Oh well, one of these days the quiet majority of free thinkers will throw down the gauntlet and say, "Hey Mr. Conservative, just because you were born before the age of the thong, doesn't mean that you have the right to make ladies put them away!" Until that day, I will be patiently waiting. Let's face it, we'll probably all be dead anyways. No sweat off my back.