Apr 08, 2010 23:38

So I've been giving more and more thought to religion lately. I'm not really sure why I've been thinking about it, perhaps the recent holiday, or just that it seems to be coming up more and more. Normally I wouldn't dwell on such things much, but today something happened that made me think about it a lot more.

I have a friend that I hang out with from time to time. Yesterday I invited him to a movie with me as I had two free passes and thought he may want to go. He turned me down to go to church instead. I'm certainly not thinking that he is flawed for choosing God over me by any means. I just had never given church a second thought except for funerals and weddings. Even those are few and far between. So the fact that someone would make this decision made me take a step back and really think about things.

I have my own certain beliefs. I do believe in God. I believe Jesus walked on this planet. I have trouble connecting the two though. Immaculate Conception? Are you serious? Not too long ago a couple of parents convinced a large part of the nation that their son was floating in a balloon over Colorado. (I think.) It turned out to be a scam. I was never able to understand how so many people would just believe that Mary somehow became pregnant without actually having intercourse. I guess if you line up a bunch of random events and say that things such as a very bright star and such led the way to this little stable where the craziest of all crazy things happened to have taken place, then get just a few people to buy it, and retell it... it becomes fact. Kinda like when we landed on the moon.

Anyways... It is what it is. We all need something to believe in. I believe that eventually, if I treat people right, and try to follow my heart, that I will be happy. I have noticed that those who seem to be more religious also seem to be happier people. I have no problem with that.

And since I was raised Catholic, the fear of God was instilled in me. Most likely as soon as I click on "Post" I will be struck by a bolt of lightning for accusing Mary and Joseph of lying.
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