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zenyr January 31 2011, 07:38:22 UTC
...It still amazes me every time you post another picture, but your ability to draw Sherlock and John SO WELL. I mean, the resemblance! I just remember thinking or talking to some friends about drawing actual people, like, it's always easy to draw from a photo, because you just draw what's there and it's the same thing. I tend to not prefer arts like that because it's just reproducing images we've all already seen before. But what you do is just...IT'S AS IF YOU ACTUALLY HAD BENEDICT AND MARTIN ON CALL OR SOMETHING haha. I mean, to draw someone from real life but give the situation a new spin, like, expressions and everything! I know that theres a lot of expressions and heck, micro-expressions even from the actual show, but how would you know what a certain look would look like on their faces?

And yes, that's the other thing...MMMM THOSE EXPRESSIONS YOU DRAW. THOSE DELICIOUS DELICIOUS EXPRESSIONS. ;W; I can really look at your arts ALLLL DAYYYY~~! Actually, I do do that. I mean, I have a folder for you and a wholleee lot of epic artists around this brilliant fandom. And when I need a little pick-me-up (or just sherlock in general...which is everyday HAHAH) I go and scroll through all that amazing art and it makes me SOOO happy. What I'm saying is, yours are always must re-sees. ;3;

Man, just...how long does it take for you to do a drawing like this? o__o


br0_harry February 1 2011, 23:00:05 UTC
haha! The resemblance so fail here actually, begins with terrible John's proportions and ends with Sherlock's gurliness, someone on DA thot it's a fem XD. have to admit, i'm a awful illustrator, i so tend to draw things as i like to see them and not as it's written in a fic! Hope Verity's fogiven me. also i'm such a noobie in digital art. So the technique in all these pics to TRLT is v diff cuz every time i'm finding a new awesome options and tools XD.

yeah, to draw from a photo is deadly boring to me too. Hate this thing D8
so poor Benny was drawn with this vergin-teen-girl face XD at least it was less boring than drawing it photorealistic. fortunately you haven't seen what the indicent wet gloss his lips has at one stage XD

i have same folder for the same reason and there is your pics too <3333

Dont remember at all for how long i draw it, sorry.. 8. Just drawing when have time..

Thank you, dear, your comments are love, so much love! im so glad you like my stuff! X#D <3 <3 <3


verityburns February 1 2011, 23:31:33 UTC
There's nothing to forgive and please stop slagging off your gorgeous pics because they're wonderful :D

Just spotted your query above asking what kind of art I liked - don't know why that comment didn't come through to me at the time, sorry for the delay... to be honest, I know so little about art, I can't profess to have a favourite type at all.

I visited The Tate and The Tate Modern last Summer, and preferred the Modern, but I adored the National Portrait Gallery - I think I'm more interested in portrayals of people than scenery, as a general rule, but there's no particular style that I would pick out - it's more the emotion/feeling captured in the picture that attracts me.

If I had to pick a favourite artist, at the moment I'd probably say YOU!

Verity, xxx


br0_harry February 2 2011, 02:00:09 UTC
oh hahaha! flattered! XD Thank you! <3 <3 <3
yeah, before i've been fortunate to visit The Tate Modern i didn't like contemporary art at all (you know, dead animals and such, which are decaying btw) but this gallery has changed my mind. i've visited it in a three diff times and it always was so impressive, really so thrilling! Ppl who's selecting the artists are utterly brilliant! the best contemporary art i've ever seen was there.
and hell, your National Portrait Gallery...8D```yeaahhh <3 <3 <3!!!!!!
and always so many great exhibitions! ~ <3333
oh London.. *sob sob*

Thanks for sharing your art preferences, it was really interesting to me! and for remembering me of London! :D ^______^ <3 <3 <3



zenyr February 2 2011, 00:43:14 UTC
Wat. NO. I understand how that's true in a way because I go through that too with much of my own art. xD;;; But the thing is, you've gotten them down to the extent that even someone who is not versed in the Sherlock fandom can recognize the actors' faces that you are drawing unmistakably. And hahah, well I guess I understand why that person on DA would think it was Fem!Sherlock, because his eye-lashes are so long or prominent here. o3o Frankly, it is the only thing that bothers me about this drawing, but I didn't bother mentioning it because it doesn't actually bother me THAT much. < :/ I was just thinking, "You know what, everything else is freaking amazing, I don't need to nitpick."

YOU'RE A NOOBIE IN DIGITAL ART?! REALLY NOW!? I should just go hang myself then (lol, I'M KIDDING). ;w;

"i have same folder for the same reason and there is your pics too"
AWWWWW. ;A; T-Thank you. You're probably the first person to really tell me that~ <3<3<3

And don't worry, I was just wondering, I don't normally remember how long it takes me to do stuff either. I can only give vague answers. Xd; But YEP~~ No problem! And your artworks are so much love! I should at least take the time to show my appreciate as you obviously put insane time and effort in your work. ;A;


br0_harry February 2 2011, 02:17:39 UTC
but i'm surely not the first who've been downloading them!!! haha! XD <3333333333

Thank you, dear <3 <3 <3

arts are always incomparably greater than any comments, well comments are love, but artsssss!!!! u kno... 8D <333
your pictures are waiting for you to be drawn, forget the ppl, ppl come and go, arts are staying forever! haha! oh so pompous! XD

now your tablet! XD


zenyr February 2 2011, 02:42:10 UTC

Mmmm yeah I suppose. >3> But I love comments too! ;w; But yes, totally get you. I-IM WORKING I'M WORKING ON THEM! IT'S NOT EASY TRYING TO FINISH 9 ILLUSTRATIONS AT THE SAME TIME. OWO;; But I am making progress. >3< Hopefully I can get this Sherlock project in...sometime...uhh....in 3 months? OTL.


br0_harry February 3 2011, 12:31:39 UTC
idk, i usually drawing them one by one.. lots of unfinished works makes me panic Xo


zenyr February 4 2011, 03:24:42 UTC
Mmmmmyeah, that's what I used to do. But now I'm always working on a kajillion things at the same time. With Sherlock, it's also because I have sooo many ideas! oAo So there's no way for me to just do one thing at a time, I just sketch everything down (or write it down at least) and work on refining/actually working on them one by one...something like that. xDD;


br0_harry February 4 2011, 14:15:49 UTC
yeah! so great when you have so many ideas, :D cooool!


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