Work and Shooting

Jan 06, 2008 00:57

Aren't you relieved to know that those are two unrelated topics? ;-)

Despite it being the first week of January, and not starting until Wednesday, I had a busy week on the job. I had one fire to put out from the holidays and a bunch of ongoing stuff to dive back into. Getting entirely caught up continues to be difficult, but I am making progress in that direction.

On the personal side, it was frustrating to have both of the roleplaying games that were scheduled canceled at the last minute. It's tough when I've been looking forward to a game for several days and don't get to play. On the other hand, allergies, or something like them, was giving me low-level trouble all week, so I can't complain too much about having to stay home.

Today valkyrie_kitten and I went to a nearby indoor range and got in some shooting practice. Neither of us has done that in a long time, and I haven't shot well the last few times I've tried. Having Rox there to watch me and provide feedback made it a lot more fun and a lot more productive. I was shooting much better by the time we finished. Now we just need to get back into the habit of regular practice so I can make those improvements automatic.

Rox is still getting used to her relatively new Glock 26. Her aim improved perceptively over the course of today's target work, but she is still best with her beloved Taurus 617T (a snubbie .357 magnum revolver).
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