seniors' last day

Jun 03, 2005 15:08

yea, senior prank sucked ass. really. i mean, they did some funny ones, 1 inhumane one, and then had their shaving cream fight. they didnt do much at all. i mean, they didnt even still whatever's on top of burger king! that's practically a tradition (if it's not it should b). all they did is camp out in parking spaces so no one could park there (there were still a bunch of empty ones neway), scooter down the hall (which was pretty good), tear some more letters of the school name thingy (be4 it was ranston high shool west no it's missing pieces of letters so u cant even read it), and tied mice to helium balloons by the tail so that they floated down the hall (the mice were alive and bleeding! i didnt c it, but my geometry teacher did and her and some other teachers saved them). yea, it suuucked

i'm gunna miss the seniors tho. lexi caught me in the hall and had me sign her yearbook. i hav to fill in her shoes for philosophy!! that's gunna b nearly impossible with my tiny metaphorical feet. she's so nice, too. her n evry1 else too. ben's nice and moo says he's fun too. sam n jess are awesomely awesome (i only no sam well from gym n i no jess from the choir concerts). all of the seniors, im gunna miss u a ton if u ever happen to find this lj, and u really set high standards for us all! ill c u at graduation!
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