Mar 22, 2005 18:59
u no what really pisses me off?? how some ppl get all mad that others get good grades. ppl work their asses off for the grades they get, and others are so jealous that they go and say things like "they might as well just graduate and be done with it" and stuff like that. i might b over-reacting considering this has never-rarely ever happened to me, but i hate it when ppl do that. doctor's are thought of as rich ppl who can afford everything they want. YEAH WELL HOW THE FUCK DO U THINK THEY GOT THERE??? jackasses... my parents worked themselves to the bone and deeper to get where they are today, and while we dont consider ourselves pompous, rich, arrogant bitches, ppl are always labeling us as such (maybe not bitches but u no what i mean). ergh! it just.... im so pissed off and i cant think of better words than "pissed off." GODDAMMIT PPL WHERE DO U GET THE NERVE???!!! im gunna say excuse me in advance: mother-fucking shit heads! that's what they are. if i hear one more bad word against my parents/sis, i dont no what ill do. lordy... well, at least the stars are out tonight.
i digress...
i heard the birds this morning, and realized that their song is the only music that i have fallen in love with that has no deffinate rhythm to it. i mean, i know that there's some kind of pattern in their chirps, but the timing isn't always the same. it sounded just like a symphony out there, all the different calls, but with no conductor. and yet, it was so amazing. only the birds could pull off a musical stunt like that.