Feb 16, 2002 23:16
Well it all started with I waking up. WOW! I'm late I thought.... I ran to the subway and I caught it. =) So far everything good.
But after one station. Delays on subway because of vandalation.... So after being 'stuck' on the subway I thought I was late to class. But when I were at school I noticed I was on hour early! Aw.... =(
A normal school day passed. And after that one I and a friend decided to go to town, and he would help me to carry the monitor I were going to buy.
And in town we met another friend so she came along. And after the carrying from town to home. After that I treat them on a pizza for helping out. (The monitor weight about 25kg). So it became a 19" for about $300. So now I'm poor again... =)
So we had some fun and it ended with watching Blade Runner on TV.
Wel.... I woke up at 19.00 LOL
And I have watched K-pax today. Nothing more... =)