Apr 01, 2004 22:50
got the ninja today! rode the ninja today! my ninja and i had a threesome with the pavement today! good times!
yup, had allen pick up the bike from the dealer this afternoon. he then brought me to the parking lot of lewis & clark to begin my lessons (zach and mike came along)! started out slow, walking around on the bike, then eventually put my legs on the pegs to coast and such. THEN I CRASHED INTO THE GROUND HARDCORE. dont really know what i did. well, i do. i "grabbed" the break instead of "squeezing" it. so when i grabbed at the break to slow down, i accidentally rolled the throttle back, shooting the bike forward really fast because its an uber FAST NINJA 500R. in a panick, i pushed the break and pulled in the clutch, stopping it from accelerating more.. but i must have let the clutch out again while i was still on the throttle (the front brake and the throttle are on the same hand) because it shot forward again, this time without me on it :( it was undoubtedly a sight to see..
the bike fell over and slid a good 5-10 feet on the pavement :P though it didnt cause nearly as much damage as it should have. broke on of the rubber/plastic blinkers that come out from the side of the bike and scratched the muffler. the foot-shifter got all bent out of shape, but allen was still able to ride it to my parents house where we fixed it. my left knee was skinned pretty raw, but it hurt the ego more than anything.. i later found out that when i fell, i landed on my cellphone in my left pocket.. totally destroyed.. need a new one :(
went out again with the bike a little later in the evening when my dad came home. had a much better experience the second time out. think im getting the hang of controlling the clutch with the throttle, its like trying to learn to drive a manual all over again, though this time with your hands... awkward
zach and mike were at my parents house when i came back. they bought me a new blinker! how cool is that. mike even replaced it while we were there. awesome friends.. very cool
was gonna buy a riding jacket tomorrow, though that may have to wait til next paycheck.. need a new cellphone:P lol, mine's totaled.. and i have a huge bruise on my hip from it. suck
eventful day