Jul 28, 2002 17:50
First, its Sunday. Duh. I've been playing lots of Gauntlet Dark Legacy for Game cube. This is also my first experience using a game cube. Second, I'm currently using a Mac. Third, I took another IQ test (I like taking them along with personality tests), the result was about average for my tests at 138. I've done as well as 180 and as bad as 110. In addition, I've grown beyond being all pissed about life, for all two of you who know why.
I had a dream yesterday that I was going to put the ending to here, but I am having intermitent connectivity.
He looked down upon her and wonderedwhat she wanted him to do. Looking into the book he saw only what she did and not what she would have wanted.He knelt down beside her and wept.He remembered the feel of steel passimg through himcountless times before and knew this timewas different. He paused for a momentand stood; now knowing his answer, walked away.
This was following a bit of dream about war and fighting. The person, that I (he) came upon was named Katie in the dream, though I'm unsure about meaning therein as I was almost awake at this point. Time to go....