Feb 08, 2010 09:18
My wife picks the Superbowl winner based on which team has the better looking quarterback. Good, now that I've got that bit of preposterousness out of the way, let me expand by stating that she picks the Superbowl winner correctly 80% of the time based on which team has the better looking quarterback. And there may be something more to it than just a "girl's way" of picking a winner. I don't put much stock in which team has the prettier uniforms, but consider this: a good looking kid may get just enough more support from those around him to make him better than the ugly kid standing next to him. Now, I'm not saying that the ugly kid is going to get slighted even though he's more talented, but given the same starting point as far as raw ability goes, the training edge may go to the more handsome boy. Anyway, there are entire books written about the Halo Effect and related concepts, but I'm just saying there's got to be some reason 8 out of the last 10 years have gone to the hot guy throwing the football. Go Saints! And go Stacie!