Short little meme swiped from nightshade_7976

Aug 31, 2007 11:36

1. Are you eating right?
My diet gets better as I get older. I find I just can't tolerate the crap I ate when I was younger.

2. Do you rinse out toothpaste remains in the sink?
Not as well as I should, as the wife can attest. But I try... :)

3. What Web sites do you go to everyday or fairly often?
USGS Recent Earthquakes
National Weather Service
National Hurricane Center
Google News

I go to each of these everyday in this order, but I don't necessarily stay long. There are reasons for each one, but some are kind of strange... :P

4. What are your waking-up habits?
I get up at 4:30 AM and feed the baby while doing random computer stuff, (surfing or doing CAD design work), then I burp him change his diaper and try to get him calm before I return him to the bedroom. While he goes back to sleep, I eat breakfast and clean myself up, then I drive in traffic (yes, already, by 5:30 in the morning) and attempt to get to work by 6.

5. What are the first thoughts that go through your mind at the moment you wake up?
I don't have any thoughts for at least an hour... unless I'm late, in which I (completely involuntarily) shout "SHIT!" I have no idea why.

6. Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
Can one be both? I think I am...
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