(no subject)

Dec 13, 2005 15:08

So full...sooo much food...I don't wanna look at another borrito for months...omg.
2 Days till I am moving, I am...exited..nervous...worryied...but really..Happy.
Met Christy at the Airport monday morning. Found her luggage before I found her...oddley enough.. Was walkin around..carrying her bag...the saw her off in the distance...Lets...describe that feeling.
You can't stand, you can't breathe, your a train wreck, you try to walk up all calm and cool, but stumble over yourself, you haven't seen her for 4 months now,..you get within 3 feet of her and can already smell her shampoo(wich for the record is Cucumber Melon). Finally you wrap your arms around her, lift her into the air...All the sound..the people going by..disapears, its just you two in the airport. Suddenly..you feel whole again, like a part of you has been gone for so long, and its back again. For the next 24 hours plus, constantly holding hands, kissing, hugging..just..together and happy...once again..in my life I am happy.

To all my friends, that read this, I am prolly gonna be gone a while, I am not sure how long..I am definitly gonna come back for a week in the Summer. Gotta have my time with the MG.
I am hoping that when we can afford it, we can move down to Georgia, and I can resume school at tech, if for some reason I choose to stay in Ohio and go to school there, I will see you guys for a week or two during the summers.

2 finals left, 2.5days left in GA. Well back to studying. I am going to update alot more often when I move..keeping in touch and all :P
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