Twilight! Part 4.

Mar 22, 1997 19:55

After deciding to run for her life and realizing that she needs to tear Charlie's heart out of his chest in order to save his life, she feels pretty bad.

Finally, we meet my last favorite character, Front Door! Through Front Door, everyone looks extra skeevy. It's amazing.

Anyway, while fleeing, Bella realizes that Charlie will never forgive her. This makes her VERY sad.

When she arrives at the Cullens and finds Laurent (one of the "bad" vampires) there, she is shocked.

And when Rosalie asks why she has to help save the stupid human, Bella is very hurt.

In the hotel in Phoenix, Bella gets a phone call from James (the hawt "bad" vampire) and realizes that he's kidnapped her mother. She fears for her mother's life.

And when she gets to the ballet studio - as instructed - she finally decides that this might be a good time to utilize Pepper Spray.

And while she walks to her death, she is VERY scared.

(and James is still pretty hawt!)

When James has Bella cornered, it's Pepper Spray to the rescue!

Of course, it does nothing to him...but still, I admire Pepper Spray's valiant effort.

Then, Edward picks Bella up off the floor and decides that since this is a ballet studio, he should leap around, point his toes, and extend his legs. (I drew arrows pointing to his feet, for reference...)

Bella, who now has a broken leg, a severed artery, and vampire venom in her veins is in excruciating pain. She makes this very obvious.

And Edward weeps again.

Meanwhile, Alice rips off James' head. Which is awesome.

And Bella decides that the best thing to do right now is go cross-eyed.

Later, in the hospital, Edward "sleeps" in the most uncomfortable position ever.

And he still wonders what he's doing here.

Before the scene ends, Bella almost mutters a full sentence without stuttering or blinking wildly,...and then she fails at English some more.

Sometime later on in the story, Charlie tries to intimidate Edward by drinking more Beer and Just For Men-ing his mustache.

The moment he sees Bella, he decides to bring up Pepper Spray again. Because that's what Charlie does.

Bella almost conjures up a different facial expression.

At prom, Jacob talks to Bella and Edward tries to save Taylor Lautner from making the same mistake he has.

Inside, Bella motions to Jess that the pink dress she bought makes her boobs look good while Edward clearly thinks it makes her look like a cheap whore.

Bella and Edward go outside to dance in the last scene of the movie. The movie ending makes Bella REALLY sad. I tell you, she really needs to tone down those emotions.


Did you miss some of the story?

Part 1: Click here
Part 2: Click here
Part 3: Click here


as of November 7, 2009

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movies, twilight, hilarity

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