Dec 11, 2018 11:05
After years I'm finding that I'm loving my BPAL scents again more than commercial perfumes.
ISO purchasing some older scents:
~ Milk Moon (ha, I know I'm dreaming, but this is my favourite ever scent)
~ Sugar Cookie
~ Lick It (any of the variants, but specifically Lick It Softly)
~ Midway (Original or Resurrected)
~ Aunt Carolines Joy Mojo - specifically if it's an older bottle that you've had laying around without wearing/using. I'm IN LOVE with my aged imp of this (It wasn't deliberately aged, but comparing the old Imp I have of it to the new one, the colour and scent has deepened dramatically and I adore the aged version, not so much the new one)
Shipping to USA/Wisconsin 54806 :)
Thanks in advance <3