Selling some rares and aged bottles!

Nov 24, 2017 22:49

Hi all!

I'm selling off some of my collection because I just don't use a lot of it anymore. It should go to a collector who will use these!

I'm old skool and not very active on the forum anymore. Assume these bottles are from '07 - '12 (but I will confirm for you if you have specific questions.) Willing to negotiate on prices.

Shipping is $3.

Berry Moon, wandcapped, full - $30
Blue Pumpkin Floss, TOL - $50
Candied Pumpkin, full - $40
Cottonmouth, full - $20
Cthulhu in Love, little over TOL - $30
Ecstasy of True Love, full, $25
Earth Phoenix, full - $25
Festival of Anuket, full - $20
Gennivre, TOL - $30
Hay Moon, full - $10
Litha 09 - $20
Long Night Moon, to neck - $13
Love and Pain, right below neck - $45
Marshmallow Pumpkin, TOL - $30
MVJBA: Spring Training, just below TOL - $50
October 2010, TOL - $30
Octopus and Abalone Diver, little higher than TOL - $30
On Darkness, to neck - $20
Pumpkin Latte 2010, TOL - $30
Ronin, TOL - $20
Tokyo Stomp, wandcapped, full - $45
Wild Swans at Coole, full - $20


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