Oct 20, 2006 15:41
Cute story time! I'm enabling a friend, and I just sent her her first bpal imps. Here's a little something that she told me today.
"Oh! and I got my package from you today and my puppy is fascinated by the wrist that I put the oil on. XD I tried Gennivre first, and he's like...*sniffsniffsniff* then he sniffs my other wrist and then looks at me like, "This one smells like you, mom...this one...this one over here is different" *sniffsniffsniff* haha."
I just thought that was cute, and wanted to share. :)
Oops! She just sent a little more.
"He loves it. I had to wear him out throwing one of his toys for him so he would leave me alone and I could pack. XD I think my puppy is now addicted to bpal. He may miss me more because of it. ♥"
Too too too cute.
chatter: laughter