Jun 10, 2006 03:24
Someone posted a BPAL dream so I thought I'd share mine too since I just had it again last night...
My BPAL dream is that I've got *everyone* coming over in 5 minutes and I'm trying to find places to stash all my BPAL and every time I turn around there's more of it in plain sight. And all I can think is "gotta get these out of sight, if they see how much I have they'll know what and addict I am!" I sometimes have a little panic moment when I wake up from that one, until I realize that no one's coming over at 3am ;p It's my one BPAL dream. I've had it multiple times though; usually when an update gets close. *lol*
And on a different note; anyone who has both Bed of Nails and Kunstkammer should try them together. I use roughly half as much BoN to the Kunstkammer. It's sharp and sweet but not *too* sharp or sweet :)
chatter: dreams