LJ name:
lonesomepioneerE-mail addresses: mineownaardvarks at yahoo dot com for PayPal and casual contact (I check this one every couple of days), clandestineflower at gmail dot com for more urgent contact (I check this one more than once a day)
eBay name: mineownaardvarks
BPAL Forum name: Savannah
I've been selling, swapping and buying successfully for some time, but I haven't kept very good records, so if you recognize me and have had a transaction with me please do post here and let the world know.
Here are the people who have bought from me most recently:
halfsickshadowvisionshadowsmuppetkintoxicatingonermpixeldimensiadragon_mintzjoseybird Full disclosure: If you mention specifically that you need the package by a certain time I will do everything in my power to get it to you by then. Otherwise I tend to assume that a few days either way doesn't make much of a difference, and therefore consolidate trips to the P.O., although if a thing is going to be noticeably late I always include extra frimps (besides the frimps I just naturally toss in to keep my imp box tidy) to make up for the wait.