LJ Name:
medvssaBPAL Forum Name:
MedvssaEbay Username:
merryblueberryPaypal Email Address: mer(dot)almagro(at)gmail.com
Bought from:
When looking at the dates, have in mind that most of these transactions are overseas, as I live in Europe...
fairegoddess(7 feb 2006 - 16 feb 2006 - my first bpal ever =) )
arpeggiodreams(decant circle 13 feb 2005 - 29 march... Woah she added two bottles with some perfume still in them, and two frimps too :D)
rhovanion(20 feb 2006 - 2 march 2006)
canciona(7 march 2006 - 15 march 2006)
(6 june 2006 - 12 july 2006
nuts TAL decant, huge amount of candy!)
profstark(6 march 2006 - 14 march 2006)
kellerbl(6 march 2006 - 10 march 2006 - super fast!!)
(3 july 2006 - 6 july 2006, another super fast transaction and lovely freebies :))
_lore(7 april 2006 - 12 april 2006 - frimps, candy, tea! super well packed too)
cissa(around april, great swap)
_siddal_(around april, everything ok!)
roostersgrrl(amber glass imps - 3 may - 13 june)
galenx(around may, all was fine)
sunk(Salon decant circle - may)
jenpo(30 may - 13 june, two frimps! :D)
off_coloratura(31 may - 5 june)
kablooey(1 june - 8 june)
edenssixthday(4 june - 9 june)
canciona TAL circle - june)
*Waiting for the package(s) :D