BPAL: Jena
jmpaolillieBay: jmpaolilli
email: jena(at)bluejena(dot)net
The baby wombat man is my default on LJ, the eye is the one I use on the forum. Just so you recognize me in passing. :)
None yet.
1-22-06: imps: Bess, The Hamptons from gingersnapp on forum
1-29-06: imps: Ave Maria Gratia Plena, Endymion, Ephemera, Eris, Forbidden Fruit, Horn of Plenty, Juliet, Machu Picchu, Thalia, Two, Five & Seven, Undertow from Wench457 on forum
1-30-06: imps: Desdemona, Juliet, Titania from
teh_daitouryou2-15-06: imps: Juliet, Lucy's Kiss, Queen Gertrude, Seance, Snow Moon (in tiny amber bottle) from
curvy_divine2-26-06: imps: Bess, Siren from
schmarian sales
None yet.
None at the moment.
bad experiences
None, and hopefully never any!