I was so busy with the holiday weekend and dog play, that I neglected to post about my sushi. Thanks to
cranphin, I now have an awesome knife sharpener, and I get 8 pieces out of each roll, instead of just 7. I can razor off the ends (stubs), which was not possible before with the dull state of my chef's knife.
The rolling mat you see here has stretchy string binding the bamboo, so even though this new one *feels* cheaper and less well made, I am able to get much tighter rolls out of it. Everyone is appreciating the difference with my super compact tight rice. The rolls are easier to cut, too.
10 sheets of "roasted sea vegetable" (seaweed) now produces 80 pieces. I would have 7 before on a plate, as shown in this picture from March, but now do 8 per meal. Quite satisfying! Best served the day of or after, I find the rice gets a bit crunchy on the third day. No fish here, so day 3 is no problem for spoilage.
I prefer to lay out my ginger and wasabi at time of serving. Now no chopsticks are needed.
We'll be having a bbq to celebrate
hyperx's (13 May) birthday, on 16 May, so if you are feeling left out of the sushi thing, please do come by and enjoy some! I will be making not fewer than 20 rolls, so you are definitely going to have a portion with your charred meat :)