Sep 24, 2004 22:44

They came and they took my mother's rocking chair.
They came and they took the one piece of her childhood that she had.
They came and they took the one thing from her home that she could have all her own.
The one thing her family let her keep besides genetics.
The one thing that tied her to the Weasley name.
The one thing that tied me to the Weasley name.

..and it's gone.

This upsets me more than it has the right to.


Today is not the first day something like this has happened, and I blame my father.
He always taught respect so I don't feel bad bad-mouthing him. I respect him, but I hate him.
He makes my mother so miserable sometimes, and I really feel for Mum.
She gave up her whole way of life to be with him, and the promise of a few galleons and a fight for righteousness.

Now what does she have? An empty house and a mockery for a last name (even though it should be held high. My father was a hero for all that he did).

And an asshole alleged-rapist for a son.

I don't want to let her down, I really don't, but I feel like I am.
When she got the howler from Mr. Finnigan she poured a glass of wine, called me by all 4 names, and calmly told me I should get out of her sight and that I disgusted her.

I swear I'm innocent. I didn't do a thing to Mandy. I would never hurt her. She's practically my only friend, and quite possibly the only girl who will ever find me attractive.. ever. So there goes the Malfoy line.

Almost as much as "Kite" Longbottom and "Sav" Potter and how utterly and indescribably idiotic they are.
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